Download this file lexluger77@aol.com (LexLuger77) writes: > what are some businesses that use C today C can't be used for business purposes because it is patented by Microsoft. Unless your company can afford a really, really, expensive license, you can't use C, I'm afraid. A pretty funny story around this patent issue was when Microsoft sued the publishers of the Oxford dictionary for using the character 'C' in their dictionary repeatedly without a license. A Microsoft spokesman said in a press conference that the patent is not limited to the language C, but in fact Microsoft has patented the letter 'C' as a world-wide trademark also. The process later was rather awkward because the Oxford-lawyers argued that the letter 'C' was used mostly in lower case, while the Microsoft trademark covered only the upper case letter. Anyway, the case was settled evetually. However, all business application these days are written in Visual Basic, in fact. C is not used at all. Hope I could help. -peter